34th myJICA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

myJICA has organised 34th Annual General Meeting on 2 July 2022 at UPM Serdang. Thanks to JICA Senior Representative, Mr. INAGAKI Yoshitaka for officiated these event. We wish to congratulate our new Exco elected for 2022/2024.

Sitting from left : Ir Norain (Hon Secretary), Dr.Muhammad Fadhil (VP), Norazizul (President), Dato’ Mohamad Mustahapa (VP), Adam (Hon Treasurer)
Standing from left : Mohd Shahairman (Auditor), Teh Wai Siew(Asst. Secretary) , Bathmashni (Exco), Christopher (Exco), Norhayati (Trustee), Ir Hj Asri (Exco), Sabaruddin (Exco)
Not in the photo : Dr. Nurashikin (Exco), Budiman (Exco), Fazdlina (Swk Chapter Rep), Dr. Colonius (Sabah Chapter Rep)

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