Since 1945, Japan has been the host to a total of over 130,000 participants in Japan. All of these ex-participants have been active in a variety of fields upon return to their home countries. They established or join the JICA Alumni in their countries. So far there are 102 associations in different countries world wide.MyJICA, the JICA Alumni Society of Malaysia was officially registered with the Registrar of Societies in 1988 under the Society Act 1966 (registration no.747/88 Wilayah Persekutuan). Since its inception, myJICA acts as a bridge in promoting understanding and fellowship between Malaysia and Japan as well as amongst all JICA participants. To date, myJICA has over 5,000 members. The association is committed to provide a platform for members to share their knowledge and experience that they have learnt in Japan with communities, the government and beyond.MyJICA, is currently making aggressive efforts to have more members as it is obviously understood that the strength of any association lies with its membership. All ex- JICA training participants from Malaysia can apply to be a member of JICA Alumni Malaysia. Out of more than 8,000 Malaysians who have undergone various technical training programmes in Japan sponsored under JICA, about 5,000 have joined myJICA.MyJICA is led by MyJICA Executive Council (Exco). The council is made up of 16 members comprising the President, two Vice-Presidents, Hon. Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and ten Exco members. The Council conducts its meeting every month and holds its Annual General Meeting once a year. Election of Exco Members is done every 2 years.
1. To maintain and foster social and fraternal association among its members.
2. To contribute towards fostering good relations between Malaysia and Japan.
3. To promote exchange of information between or establish cultural , scientific and linguistic links with similar societies or associations in other countries having similar links with Japan International Cooperation Agency
4. To generally participate in economic, technical, social and cultural activities that contributes towards good relations with Japan.
To be a self-sustaining resource centre offering professional services through synergistic relationship with JICA.
1. To cultivate purposeful relationship with JICA through the delivery of impactful programmes
2. Provide expert and professional services through competent and trained personnel delighting our stakeholders.
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myJICA EXCO 2024/ 2026

Position | Name |
President | Mr. Norazizul b. Abdul Aziz |
Vice President | Mr. Christopher Ravindran Dass |
Dr. Chai Mui Fatt | |
Honorary Secretary | Ms Nor Azlina binti Baharum |
Asst. Secretary | Ms Siti Rodziah binti Ismail |
Honorary Treasurer | Mr Adam Mohd Alias |
Exco | 1. Mr Shahrum bin Zainal Abidin |
2. Mr. Lee Boon Hock | |
3. Ms Nor Aizah binti Sumedi | |
4. Ms Siti Rahayu binti Syed Husin | |
5. Ms Fazdlina Sapee -Swk Chapter | |
6. Dr. Fredie Robinson - Sabah Chapter | |
Auditors | 1. Mr Mohamad Shahairman Sapingi |
2. Ms Norhayati bt Hj Maulud | |
Trustees | 1. Mr Haji Mustapha bin Abd Kadir |
2. Dato' Mohamad Mustahapa b. Awang |
The Alumni shall be administered by an Executive Committee, which shall be elected once in every two (2) years and shall comprise the following i.e.:
- A President;
- Two (2 ) Vice-Presidents;
- An Honorary Secretary;
- An Assistant Honorary Secretary
- Honorary Treasurer ; and
- Ten (10) committee members whom six (6 ) are to be elected by General Meeting and four (4 ) to be appointed by the Committee Members.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The management of the Alumni shall be vested in a General Meeting of ordinary members, presided over by the President.
The business of the Annual Meeting shall be:
- To receive the Executive Committee report on the activities of the Alumni during the previous year
- To receive the Treasurer’s report and the audited accounts of the Alumni for the previous year.
- The election of office bearers and auditors when necessary’
- Any other business as may be put before it.
Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee shall; at least four (4) times a year after seven (7) days’ notice to all Committee members. The President may call a Committee Meeting at any time by giving seven (7) days’ notice. Half (1/2) of the Committee members must be present for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a quorum.