Post Review Training for LEP courses/programmes

MYJICA VP and Exco attended Post Review Training for LEP courses/programmes on 21, 22 & 23  January 2020 at JICA Malaysia Office. The presentation consists of few courses as follows:

a. Attachment program for special education personnel of Ministry of Education

b. Strategic Collaboration with Relevant Japanese Agencies/Organizations to promote the medical devices industry in Malaysia

c. Support for Employment of Elderly and Women

d. The Shokuiku Approach to strengthen diet-related disease prevention

e. End of Life vehicle

f. Capacity Building for marketing of cooperatives agricultural products

g. Leadership Development Program for Middle Management Level (Managers)

h. Psychosocial Response to Disasters in Malaysia

i. Captivate Competitive and Sustainable Approaches in Railways Planning, Development and Management : Japan Comparative Study

j. Administration of Plant Breeder’s Right



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