
Activities organised by myJICA can be divided into 5 main categories as follows :-

1. Activities necessary for organizational operation of alumni associations

2. Activities contributing to development of partner countries

3. Activities that promote understanding about Japan and friendship between Japan and partner countries

4. Activities for supporting JICA's projects etc. 

5. Activities for network building among ex-participants. 

latest news Report


To provide members with a list of events that has been carried out in the given period.

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Updated on March 2021


To keep members informed of current activities and related news.

Get Our Bulletin Report

Updated on May 2024

Exco Meeting

To provide members with a list of exco meetings that has taken place during the given period.

Get Our Exco Meeting Report

Updated on March 2021

News Blog

36th myJICA Annual General Meeting

The 36th myJICA AGM was held on 05 May 2024 virtual and physical at Adamson Hotel, Kuala Lumpur  and officiated…

CSR : Mangrove Planting at Kuala Gula

CSR : Mangrove Planting at Kuala Gula has been conducted on 22 July 2023. The program was conducted in collaboration…

MYJICA JCD-UKMatsuri 2023

MYJICA in collaboration with Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH), UKM organised UKMatsuri 2023 on 4 July 2023 at…

35th myJICA Annual General Meeting

The 35th myJICA AGM was held on 18 March 2023(Saturday) virtual & physical at JICA Malaysia office and officiated by…

newspaper cuttings

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